NolaJeanne Baird, Master CPI Trainer

NolaJeanne Baird has been a part of PraiseMoves Fitness Ministry since 2005. She has created several PraiseMoves postures, many Scripture Sequences, and PraiseMoves Gold. She became a CPI Trainer in 2009, and is a recipient of the CPI Eagle Award. 

The first to receive the Master CPI Trainer designation in 2018, NolaJeanne has a B.S. in Education, is a Navy veteran, and has led praise and worship in churches for over 20 years.

NolaJeanne has taught PraiseMoves at churches, and a retirement center and taught PraiseMoves as the Physical Education classes for a Christian school for two years.  

NolaJeanne says, "I LOVE PraiseMoves because its foundation is the Word of God. I am blessed many times as I watch my students' countenance change during PraiseMoves classes. PraiseMoves helps me INTERNALIZE God's Word as it strengthens my body, soul, and spirit."

You will LOVE NolaJeanne, her energetic, compassionate and thorough teaching style, and her love for every CPI.