Monique Jenkin, CPI and CPI Trainer

Monique Jenkin is certified in every PraiseMoves certification (she has no favorite style). She loves doing Combo classes adding sometimes more than one style in a class. 

Monique's heart is for one-on-one classes whether it's via private Zoom class or in-person at the students' homes.

“PraiseMoves is very special to me, as I am able to get closer to my Father while I do something I am passionate about," says Monique.

"If you had told me 10 years ago I'd be doing exercise let alone be an instructor, I would have laughed at you. That's why this has always stuck to me: 'God doesn't call the equipped, but He does equip the called!'

"Just being able to memorize scripture is already a score for me!" 

Monique is from White River, a small town near the Kruger National Park in South Africa.

In 2021, Monique became the first recipient of the PraiseMoves Firecracker Award. In 2022, she became a CPI Trainer, the first in South Africa.

Madeline Kinnamon, CPI

Madeline Kinnamon is a Christian homemaker, pastor’s wife, mother and grandmother. She was born, raised and has her home in Texas. Having been active in church in Children’s ministry, Visual Arts ministry, and tambourine/dance ministry she wanted to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth confessing Jesus Christ as her Lord, her love and Savior.
“I became a CPI in 2017. As I was aging I saw the need for exercise and stretching to attain physical health and keep my strength. I also was wanting to help others who were also feeling a little ‘stiff’ as we were aging. When the LORD crossed my path with PraiseMoves fitness ministry, I saw it as an answer to prayer! I then certified in Gold, MIRA!, L.I.F.T., PraiseBarre, Power PraiseMoves, and Praiselates. I conduct 4 in-person classes a week in 2 churches.

"I love creating Scripture Sequences as it gives me the opportunity to minister any Bible verse, as He leads, which helps me to memorize and get it in my heart -- especially scriptures I feel God is wanting to minister, for His glory, to the PraiseMoves class. God’s Word will not return to Him void but will accomplish what He pleases, and it shall prosper in the thing for which He sent it, according to Isaiah 55:11.”