Ready to Experience Success Walking in Your Calling?

If you would love to walk in God's calling for your life...

...but feel STUCK because of finances or a job that's unfulfilling (but pays the bills)...

...then grab your Free copy of "The Ultimate Success Guide for Women in Ministry."

Inside you'll discover:

The 5 Things Women in Ministry Need to be Successful

How to Absolutely Know the Lord's Vision for Your Life

✅ The 3 Things You MUST Avoid in Order to Prosper

✅ The Best Side-Gigs for Women in Ministry Today

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The Ultimate Success Guide for Women in Ministry

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Meet me... Hi, I'm Dr. Laurette.

Originally from New York City and Long Island, my husband Paul and I live in the Ozark foothills of northeastern Oklahoma at our ranch we call "The Prayer Farm" with Titus, our Great Pyrenees puppy, and Chuffie, our senior Pom with a puppy attitude!

I love that we get to work together from home, our part-time side-gig supporting the international fitness ministry we've been blessed to run since 2002.

5 Random Facts About Me...

  • I starred in "The Betty Boop Show" Off-Broadway in New York City in my 20s during my B.C. days! 🤣
  • While I do my best to stay sugar-free, I will opt-in for the occasional Mocha Frappuccino with sugar-free hazelnut and extra whipped cream. 😋
  • Since 2005, I like going to sleep with my Bible on my chest every night. 😴 Some people have teddy bears...
  • I won the Push-Up Championship at my gym. 💪
  • When I was 28, I backpacked around 20 European countries in 6 months. 😲 I traveled on the cheap, using the Eurailpass, staying at youth hostels, living on local fare, and the kindness of friends I made along the way.

Through it all, I've learned how similar we all are -- with gifts, talents, abilities, and desires of the heart placed there by the Lord--all for His glory. 🙌🥰🙌

Disclaimer: "The Ultimate Success Guide for Women in Ministry" is not a money-making opportunity or scheme. Our goal is to help Women in Ministry explore various ways to support their ministries while fulfilling the call of God on their lives.

I'll see you on the inside!